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本文信息本文由方法SEO顾问发表于2015-08-1423:53:00,共 2736 字,转载请注明:【谷歌SEO优化技巧】影响Google排名的200个因素:社会信号(155-166)_【方法SEO顾问】


Google 排名的200个影响因素:社会信号

155. Number of Tweets: Like links, the tweets a page has may influence its rank in Google.


156. Authority of Twitter Users Accounts: It’s likely that Tweets coming from aged, authority Twitter profiles with a ton of followers (like Justin Bieber) have more of an effect than tweets from new, low-influence accounts.


157. Number of Facebook Likes: Although Google can’t see most Facebook accounts, it’s likely they consider the number of Facebook likes a page receives as a weak ranking signal.


158. Facebook Shares: Facebook shares — because they’re more similar to a backlink — may have a stronger influence than Facebook likes.

Facebook Shares facebook共享类似于反链,相比facebook like会有更强的影响力。

159. Authority of Facebook User Accounts: As with Twitter, Facebook shares and likes coming from popular Facebook pages may pass more weight.

Facebook帐号的权威度: Twitter, Facebook shares 和likes 的受欢迎主页可能能够传递出更多的权重。

160. Pinterest Pins: Pinterest is an insanely popular social media account with lots of public data. It’s probably that Google considers Pinterest Pins a social signal.

Pinterest Pins Pinterest是很多公共数据疯狂流行的社交媒体。Google可能会认为Pinterest Pins数量是一种社会信号因素。

161. Votes on Social Sharing Sites: It’s possible that Google uses shares at sites like Reddit, Stumbleupon and Digg as another type of social signal.

书签网站上被分享的次数:很显然书签分享站点会给网站制造出大量的外链,不但可以带来些流量,还能受到搜索引擎的认可,流行的书签网站例如: Reddit, Stumbleupon 和Digg 。

162. Number of Google+1’s: Although Matt Cutts gone on the record as saying Google+ has “no direct effect” on rankings, it’s hard to believe that they’d ignore their own social network.

Google+ 分享次数:虽然Matt Cutts曾经说过,Google+已经对排名“没有直接的影响” ,但很难相信他们会忽略自己的社会化网络。

163. Authority of Google+ User Accounts: It’s logical that Google would weigh +1’s coming from authoritative accounts more than from accounts without many followers.

Google+ 中的权威账号:这是合乎逻辑的,Google会更多的权衡从权威账户来的“+1”而非没有多少粉丝的账号。

164. Verified Google+ Authorship: In February 2013, Google CEO Eric Schmidt famously claimed:

“Within search results, information tied to verified online profiles will be ranked higher than content without such verification, which will result in most users naturally clicking on the top (verified) results.”

Verified authorship may already be a trust signal.

已验证Google+身份的账户:在2013年2月,谷歌CEO埃里克·施密特曾经说过一句令世人印象深刻的话:“在搜索结果中,已验通过验证的G+ 账户排名将高于未验证的账户…。”核实作者身份可能已经是一个信任的信号。(不过目前只有大品牌能有机会得到G+验证)

165. Social Signal Relevancy: Google probably uses relevancy information from the account sharing the content and the text surrounding the link.


166. Site Level Social Signals: Site-wide social signals may increase a site’s overall authority, which will increase search visibility for all of its pages.


原文名称:Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List

原文作者:Brian Dean



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