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本文信息本文由方法SEO顾问发表于2015-08-1423:52:00,共 2619 字,转载请注明:【谷歌SEO优化技巧】影响Google排名的200个因素:品牌信号(167-178)_【方法SEO顾问】


Google 排名的200个影响因素:品牌信号

167. Brand Name Anchor Text: Branded anchor text is a simple — but strong — brand signal.


168. Branded Searches: It’s simple: people search for brands. If people search for your site in Google (ie. “Backlinko twitter”, Backlinko + “ranking factors”), Google likely takes this into consideration when determining a brand.


169. Site Has Facebook Page and Likes: Brands tend to have Facebook pages with lots of likes.

网站有Facebook的商务页面有些国内朋友对Facebook不太熟,去上面做营销就是自己申请一个帐号然后加很多好友,然后每天发自己网站的东西。这样是没多大作用的,你需要去申请建立 一个Page,就像人人网上的公共主页,然后这个Page是无法加好友的,只能让别人来Like你。所以你的Page被Like的次数越多,也就是你的这个商务页面的粉丝越多。

170. Site has Twitter Profile with Followers: Twitter profiles with a lot of followers signals a popular brand.

网站有Twitter帐号道理同上,但是Twitter没有公共帐号/页面这一说,所以这里也就是指普通的Twitter的帐号,不过根据我的经验,帐号的名称和资料里面的网站地址最好和你的网站信 息对应,这样能加强 Google对于两者之间联系的判断。

171. Official Linkedin Company Page: Most real businesses have company Linkedin pages.


172. Employees Listed at Linkedin: Rand Fishkin thinks that having Linkedin profiles that say they work for your company is a brand signal.

员工有LinkedIn帐号并且申明是为这家公司工作: Moz的Rank认为让员工们都开通LinkedIn帐号,并在资料中填写公司名称有助于增强品牌信号。

173. Legitimacy of Social Media Accounts: A social media account with 10,000 followers and 2 posts is probably interpreted a lot differently than another 10,000-follower strong account with lots of interaction.

合法的社交网络帐号如果品牌的社交网络帐号都分享一些不合法的东西如盗版,赌博,等等,或者有10W以上粉丝但是基本没有互动,这样的社交帐号对于加强品牌因素也是起不了 什么作用的。

174. Brand Mentions on News Sites: Really big brands get mentioned on Google News sites all the time. In fact, some brands even have their own Google News feed on the first page.

品牌在新闻中被提及的次数真正的大公司,大品牌,肯定少不了在Google News中出现。实际上一些全球性的大品牌,当你搜品牌名的时候甚至会有专门的Google News栏目。对于尚在奋斗中的公司及品牌,在PR中投入一些人力物力是比较值得的。

175. Co-Citations: Brands get mentioned without getting linked to. Google likely looks at non-hyperlinked brand mentions as a brand signal.


176. Number of RSS Subscribers: Considering that Google owns the popular Feedburner RSS service, it makes sense that they would look at RSS Subscriber data as a popularity/brand signal.


177. Brick and Mortar Location With Google+ Local Listing: Real businesses have offices. It’s possible that Google fishes for location-data to determine whether or not a site is a big brand.


178. Website is Tax Paying Business: Moz reports that Google may look at whether or not a site is associated with a tax-paying business.


原文名称:Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List

原文作者:Brian Dean



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