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1. 前言
前几天在做日志分析系统,需要处理几十G的文件,我尝试用原来的for line in open(filepath).readlines()处理,但停顿好久也没变化,可见占用不小的内存。在网上搜索了下,找到了两种方法来读取大文件。
2. with读取大文件
with open(filepath) as f: for line in f: <do something with line>
Thewithstatement handles opening and closing the file, including if an exception is raised in the inner block. Thefor line in ftreats the file objectfas an iterable, which automatically uses buffered IO and memory management so you don't have to worry about large files.
大意就是with负责处理open和close文件,包括抛出内部异常。而for line in f将文件对象f当做迭代对象,将自动处理IO缓冲和内存管理,这样你无需担心大文件的处理了。
3. fileinput处理
import fileinput for line in fileinput.input(['sum.log']): print line
4. 总结
来自外部的引用: 1