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Google 排名的200个影响因素: 反向链接因素
80. Linking Domain Age: Backlinks from aged domains may be more powerful than new domains.
81. # of Linking Root Domains: The number of referring domains is one of the most important ranking factors in Google’s algorithm, as you can see from this chart from Moz (bottom axis is SERP position):
Linking Root Domains
82. # of Links from Separate C-Class IPs: Links from seperate class-c IP addresses suggest a wider breadth of sites linking to you.
83. # of Linking Pages: The total number of linking pages — even if some are on the same domain — is a ranking factor.
84. Alt Tag (for Image Links): Alt text is an image’s version of anchor text.
85. Links from .edu or .gov Domains: Matt Cutts has stated that TLD doesn’t factor into a site’s importance. However, that doesn’t stop SEOs from thinking that there’s a special place in the algo for .gov and .edu TLDs.
来自.edu和.gov域名链接:Matt Cutts说顶级域名不是网页排名的参考因素。但是鉴于之前说的他的话不能全听,而且从我接触到的一些黑帽案例来讲,.edu域名来的外链还是很有效果 的,.gov外链难度太大,接触到的案例比较少。
86. PR of Linking Page: The PageRank of the referring page is an extremely important ranking factor.
87. Authority of Linking Domain: The referring domain’s authority may play an independent role in a link’s importance (ie. a PR2 page link from a site with a homepage PR3 may be worth less than a PR2 page link from PR8 Yale.edu).
88. Links From Competitors: Links from other pages ranking in the same SERP may be more valuable for a page’s rank for that particular keyword.
89. Social Shares of Referring Page: The amount of page-level social shares may influence the link’s value.
90. Links from Bad Neighborhoods: Links from “bad neighborhoods” may hurt your site.
91. Guest Posts: Although guest posting can be part of a white hat SEO campaign, links coming from guest posts — especially in an author bio area — may not be as valuable as a contextual link on the same page.
Guest Blog:通过给博客投稿的方式,在作者介绍区域获得外链,没有在正文中的外链那么有价值。而且业界现在对于投稿获得的外链持担心态度,因为自从企鹅算法 1.0后,这几乎成了 最主要的外链获取手段,从Google的习惯来看,如果大家都通过这种方法获取外链,那么这种方法即将成为被打击的对象了。当然Google也不是不分青红皂白,如果你投稿的目标网站是很有权威度的博客,而且你的文章质量够高,我相信是不会受影响的。
92. Links to Homepage Domain that Page Sits On: Links to a referring page’s homepage may play special importance in evaluating a site’s — and therefore a link’s — weight.
93. Nofollow Links: One of the most controversial topics in SEO. Google’s official word on the matter is:
“In general, we don’t follow them.”
Which suggests that they do…at least in certain cases. Having a certain % of nofollow links may also indicate a natural vs. unnatural link profile.
Nofollow外链:有一定数量的Nofollow外链是很正常的,因为当你的外链足够多,不可能没人在博客留言区或者论坛之类的地方提到你的网站,这些地方的链接往往都是nofollow。如果 你的外链里面几乎没有nofollow,Google绝对有理由怀疑你的外链来源及获取手段不正常。
94. Diversity of Link Types: Having an unnaturally large percentage of your links come from a single source (ie. forum profiles, blog comments) may be a sign of webspam. On the other hand, links from diverse sources is a sign of a natural link profile.
95. “Sponsored Links” Or Other Words Around Link: Words like “sponsors”, “link partners” and “sponsored links” may decrease a link’s value.
96. Contextual Links: Links embedded inside a page’s content are considered more powerful than links on an empty page or found elsewhere on the page.
97. Excessive 301 Redirects to Page: Links coming from 301 redirects dilute some (or even all) PR, according to a Webmaster Help Video.
98. Backlink Anchor Text: As noted in this description of Google’s original algorithm:
“First, anchors often provide more accurate descriptions of web pages than the pages themselves.”
Obviously, anchor text is less important than before (and likely a webspam signal). But it still sends a strong relevancy signal in small doses.
锚文本:这条因素在Google的原始算法中被提到:“首先, 锚往往提供的网页描述比自己的网页本身所描述的信息更准确。”显然在当下,锚文本文本不像以前那么重要(更可能是个垃圾链接的标识)。但它在一定程度上仍然发出了一个强烈的相关性信号。
99. Internal Link Anchor Text: Internal link anchor text is another relevancy signal, although probably weighed differently than backlink anchor text.
100. Link Title Attribution: The link title (the text that appears when you hover over a link) is also used as a weak relevancy signals.
101. Country TLD of Referring Domain: Getting links from country-specific top level domain extensions (.de, .cn, .co.uk) may help you rank better in that country.
102. Link Location In Content: Links in the beginning of a piece of content carry slight more weight than links placed at the end of the content.
103. Link Location on Page: Where a link appears on a page is important. Generally, links embedded in a page’s content are more powerful than links in the footer or sidebar area.
104. Linking Domain Relevancy: A link from site in a similar niche is significantly more powerful than a link from a completely unrelated site. That’s why any effective SEO strategy today focuses on obtaining relevant links.
105. Page Level Relevancy: The Hilltop Algorithm states that link from a page that’s closely tied to page’s content is more powerful than a link from an unrelated page.
106. Text Around Link Sentiment: Google has probably figured out whether or not a link to your site is a recommendation or part of a negative review. Links with positive sentiments around them likely carry more weight.
107. Keyword in Title: Google gives extra love to links on pages that contain your page’s keyword in the title (“Experts linking to experts”.)
108. Positive Link Velocity: A site with positive link velocity usually gets a SERP boost.
109. Negative Link Velocity: Negative link velocity can significantly reduce rankings as it’s a signal of decreasing popularity.
110. Links from “Hub” Pages: Aaron Wall claims that getting links from pages that are considered top resources (or hubs) on a certain topic are given special treatment.
从“目录页面”来的外链: Aaron Wall(国外知名网站 seobook的创始人)认为:从顶级资源站(或是分类目录)导出的链接会获得极高的评分。
111. Link from Authority Sites: A link from a site considered an “authority site” likely pass more juice than a link from a small, microniche site.
112. Linked to as Wikipedia Source: Although the links are nofollow, many think that getting a link from Wikipedia gives you a little added trust and authority in the eyes of search engines.
113. Co-Occurrences: The words that tend to appear around your backlinks helps tell Google what that page is about.
114. Backlink Age: According to a Google patent, older links have more ranking power than newly minted backlinks.
115. Links from Real Sites vs. Splogs: Due to the proliferation of blog networks, Google probably gives more weight to links coming from “real sites” than from fake blogs. They likely use brand and user-interaction signals to distinguish between the two.
116. Natural Link Profile: A site with a “natural” link profile is going to rank highly and be more durable to updates.
自然链接: 一个网站的外链全部是自然链接那么google排名将会很好且持久。
117. Reciprocal Links: Google’s Link Schemes page lists “Excessive link exchanging” as a link scheme to avoid.
互惠链接 : Google链接方案页面指出应避免过多的交换链接出现在网站。
118. User Generated Content Links: Google is able to identify links generated from UGC vs. the actual site owner. For example, they know that a link from the official WordPress.com blog at en.blog.wordpress.com is very different than a link from besttoasterreviews.wordpress.com.
UGC友情链接:Google能够识别从UGC (用户生成内容)产生的链接与实际网站的所有者链接的区别。例如,他们知道官方WordPress.com的博客en.blog.wordpress.com产生的链接与xxxx.wordpress.com上的链接非常不同。
119. Links from 301: Links from 301 redirects may lose a little bit of juice compared to a direct link. However, Matt Cutts says that a 301 is the similar to a direct link.
来自301定向的链接:一个来自301重定向的链接可能会比直接产生的外链要差一点点,但是Matt Cutts说过, 301重定向链接类似于直接链接。
120. Schema.org Microformats: Pages that support microformats may rank above pages without it. This may be a direct boost or the fact that pages with microformatting have a higher SERP CTR:
higher SERP CTR
Schema.org 微格式:包含微格式页面的网站排名往往比页面上没有微格式的网站排名要高 。
121. DMOZ Listed: Many believe that Google gives DMOZ listed sites a little extra trust.
是否被DMOZ收录:许多人认为, Google会给DMOZ列出的网站一点额外的信任。
122. Yahoo! Directory Listed: The algorithm might also have a special place for the Yahoo! Directory, considering how long it’s been cataloging sites.
是否被Yahoo Directory收录:Google算法也同样考虑到雅虎目录,但是,目前站长需要考虑的是要给雅虎多少钱来保证收录时间。
123. Number of Outbound Links on Page: PageRank is finite. A link on a page with hundreds of OBLs passes less PR than a page with only a few OBLs.
124. Forum Profile Links: Because of industrial-level spamming, Google may significantly devalue links from forum profiles.
125. Word Count of Linking Content: A link from a 1000-word post is more valuable than a link inside of a 25-word snippet.
126. Quality of Linking Content: Links from poorly written or spun content don’t pass as much value as links from well-written, multimedia-enhanced content.
127. Sitewide Links: Matt Cutts has confirmed that sitewide links are “compressed” to count as a single link.
全站链接:Matt Cutts说过Google往往把全站每个页面都会出现的链接仅仅算作一个链接。
原文名称:Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List
原文作者:Brian Dean