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Google 排名的200个影响因素:品牌信号
167. Brand Name Anchor Text: Branded anchor text is a simple — but strong — brand signal.
品牌名的锚文本: 以品牌名为锚文本是最简单,也是最强的品牌信号。而且从几次更新来看,以品牌为锚文本是安全的,不会被惩罚。
168. Branded Searches: It’s simple: people search for brands. If people search for your site in Google (ie. “Backlinko twitter”, Backlinko + “ranking factors”), Google likely takes this into consideration when determining a brand.
品牌搜索次数: 你的品牌被搜的次数越多,Google对于你的肯定也就越多。
169. Site Has Facebook Page and Likes: Brands tend to have Facebook pages with lots of likes.
网站有Facebook的商务页面: 有些国内朋友对Facebook不太熟,去上面做营销就是自己申请一个帐号然后加很多好友,然后每天发自己网站的东西。这样是没多大作用的,你需要去申请建立 一个Page,就像人人网上的公共主页,然后这个Page是无法加好友的,只能让别人来Like你。所以你的Page被Like的次数越多,也就是你的这个商务页面的粉丝越多。
170. Site has Twitter Profile with Followers: Twitter profiles with a lot of followers signals a popular brand.
网站有Twitter帐号: 道理同上,但是Twitter没有公共帐号/页面这一说,所以这里也就是指普通的Twitter的帐号,不过根据我的经验,帐号的名称和资料里面的网站地址最好和你的网站信 息对应,这样能加强 Google对于两者之间联系的判断。
171. Official Linkedin Company Page: Most real businesses have company Linkedin pages.
官方的LinkedIn页面: 大多数真实,可信的公司,都在LinkedIn上有自己的官方页面。
172. Employees Listed at Linkedin: Rand Fishkin thinks that having Linkedin profiles that say they work for your company is a brand signal.
员工有LinkedIn帐号并且申明是为这家公司工作: Moz的Rank认为让员工们都开通LinkedIn帐号,并在资料中填写公司名称有助于增强品牌信号。
173. Legitimacy of Social Media Accounts: A social media account with 10,000 followers and 2 posts is probably interpreted a lot differently than another 10,000-follower strong account with lots of interaction.
合法的社交网络帐号: 如果品牌的社交网络帐号都分享一些不合法的东西如盗版,赌博,等等,或者有10W以上粉丝但是基本没有互动,这样的社交帐号对于加强品牌因素也是起不了 什么作用的。
174. Brand Mentions on News Sites: Really big brands get mentioned on Google News sites all the time. In fact, some brands even have their own Google News feed on the first page.
品牌在新闻中被提及的次数: 真正的大公司,大品牌,肯定少不了在Google News中出现。实际上一些全球性的大品牌,当你搜品牌名的时候甚至会有专门的Google News栏目。对于尚在奋斗中的公司及品牌,在PR中投入一些人力物力是比较值得的。
175. Co-Citations: Brands get mentioned without getting linked to. Google likely looks at non-hyperlinked brand mentions as a brand signal.
176. Number of RSS Subscribers: Considering that Google owns the popular Feedburner RSS service, it makes sense that they would look at RSS Subscriber data as a popularity/brand signal.
RSS订阅数: 鉴于Google自家的FeedBurner服务,所以有理由相信他们会采集一些你的RSS订阅数来作为你的品牌强弱信号。
177. Brick and Mortar Location With Google+ Local Listing: Real businesses have offices. It’s possible that Google fishes for location-data to determine whether or not a site is a big brand.
公司是否在G+本地列表上出现: 真实的公司肯定都有自己的办公室,仓库等等。所以如果这些信息被列在了G+本地列表上,无疑能让Google更肯定你的品牌。
178. Website is Tax Paying Business: Moz reports that Google may look at whether or not a site is associated with a tax-paying business.
网站是否有税务信息: SEOMoz指出Google可能看一个网站是否提供税务信息。
原文名称:Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List
原文作者:Brian Dean